This Privacy Policy describes the privacy policies applicable to Kason Credit Corporation’s U.S. internet website:
Objectives – Kason Credit Corporation has created this security and privacy statement in order to document and communicate its commitment to doing business with the highest ethical standards and appropriate internal controls.
Kason Credit Corporation has created this security and privacy statement in order to document and communicate its commitment to doing business with the highest ethical standards and appropriate internal controls.
Explicit Information Gathering – You can examine our entire website without providing any information whatsoever. However, our website’s email information request function requires users to give us contact information.
This information is used to provide information to those who inquire about our products and services and to handle related business matters. This information is also used to get in touch with clients when necessary. The information gathered through this website will not be used to notify you about unsolicited products and services.
Cookies – We sometimes use an internet device called a cookie to store login or other information on your computer. A cookie is a small amount of information that a website transfers to your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to simplify your access and to tailor our services to your needs and interests. For some services, we offer users the choice of having an ID or password stored in a cookie so that you do not need to re-enter it when you return to the site. No other site can read a cookie set by Kason Credit Corporation, and we cannot read a cookie that another website wrote to your computer. Most internet browsers are set to accept cookies. Users can reset browsers to refuse cookies and still use our website, although access may be slower and less convenient.
Covert Information Gathering – Our site does not covertly capture information regarding the specific activities of any particular user. Our site does, however, produce reports that permit us to view your activity on our site in anonymous or aggregated form. We do not use cookies, web bugs, or any other active content mechanism to capture or maintain information about users without their prior consent. The only personal information that we capture has been specifically submitted to us through the email information request function. We do not store any persistent information on your computer.
Information Usage – When you disclose personal information to us, it may be used or disclosed in accordance with Kason Credit Corporation’s normal course of business. The only exception involves disclosure to the government according to normal business practice, for instance for the collection of taxes, and according to the orders of a court, for example responding to a subpoena or search warrant.
Links to Other Sites – This site contains a number of links to other sites. Kason Credit Corporation is not responsible for the security or privacy practices of these sites, the products or services offered by these sites, or the content appearing at these sites.
Security Measures – Our site is protected with a variety of security measures such as change control procedures, passwords, and physical access controls. We also employ a variety of other mechanisms to ensure that data you provide is not lost, misused, or altered inappropriately. These controls include data confidentiality policies and regular database backups.
For more information regarding this Privacy Policy, contact:
Kason Credit Corporation
P.O. Box 1189 Enfield, CT 06083-1189